Two traffic accidents with injured child


In two accidents in Spandau and Lichtenberg, drivers hit and injured a child. One accident occurred on Saturday afternoon in the Spandau district of Hakenfelde. According to the Berlin police’s current findings, a 73-year-old driver was driving on Rauchstrasse when, according to witnesses, a boy stepped onto the road without paying attention to the traffic. The driver is said to have tried to brake. Nevertheless, a collision occurred in which the nine-year-old child’s upper body hit the hood and fell onto the road.

After providing initial medical treatment, rescue workers took the boy to a hospital accompanied by his father. There he was to be treated for suspected traumatic brain injury.

A nine-year-old is also hit by a car in Lichtenberg

Also on Saturday afternoon, a traffic accident occurred in Neu-Hohenschönhausen in the Lichtenberg district, in which a nine-year-old boy was injured. The boy was riding his bicycle with his mother at the corner of Wartenberger Strasse and Arnimstrasse.

According to witnesses, he suddenly drove off the sidewalk onto the road at the pedestrian crossing. A 58-year-old driver is said to have slowed down and braked. In this case, however, this did not prevent the collision. The nine-year-old fell onto the road and suffered abrasions on his arm. Rescue workers took the injured child to hospital accompanied by his mother. In both cases, the police are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

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