Why I walk to end Alzheimer’s: Sharon Berezne


Guest columnist Sharon (Niermann) Berezne, of Twinsburg, is the 2024 Cleveland Walk to End Alzheimer’s co-chair.

The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.

This fall, more than 600 such Walks will take place across the United States, each full of walkers of all ages and backgrounds who participate to recognize their own connection to the disease.

I am joining the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Oct. 19 at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. As a long-time supporter of the Cleveland Walk, I’m proud to say that it was recently recognized as the No. 26 Walk in the country.

Last year, more than 3,500 Clevelanders walked, raising more than $699,000.

It’s a day full of optimism, reflection, inclusion and hope.

I walk in honor of my dad — Dennis J. Niermann — who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and ultimately lost his battle in December 2022. I built the walk team “Dennis Defenders” after his diagnosis because he was a civil rights attorney who fought for those without a voice, who needed someone to defend them. Although his fight is over, my fight against this disease is still front and center in my life.

I walk for the 7 million Americans who currently have Alzheimer’s and other dementias — including 236,200 in Ohio.

I walk because one in three seniors dies with the disease — more than from breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.

I walk because the Alzheimer’s Association works at both the national and local level. They build local partnerships to expand their reach to those who are underrepresented, working for health equity for all people from all cultures and communities.

I walk because every step we take together is a step toward a different future — one without Alzheimer’s or dementia. In this new era of treatment, we are closer than ever to stopping Alzheimer’s and giving families more time with their loved ones.

I walk for the 414,000 caregivers in our state who provide 624 million hours of unpaid care each year. I understand the burden caregivers face and the toll it takes on their physical and emotional health.

I walk because 78 percent of funds raised go directly to Alzheimer’s care, support, research, awareness and advocacy. Each month, the association offers dozens of educational programs, care consultations and support groups to Northeast Ohio families, and they are all FREE because of funds raised through events like the Walk, The Longest Day and our annual Celebration of Hope gala.

By joining the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, you’re helping to provide care and support to families like mine who have faced the heartbreaking impacts of the disease, while investing in promising research and working to ensure future access to treatments for all who could benefit.

You’re walking with me toward a different future.

There’s no cost to participate. Walkers and teams can earn fundraising incentives like T-shirts, water bottles, flags, coolers and more. To register, or to find another local Walk, visit alz.org/walk.

We’re closer than ever to stopping Alzheimer’s. But to get there, we need you. Please join us in this journey, and together we will walk with hope, purpose and determination.

Why will you walk?

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