Photography winners share experiences | Gem Media Online


By Salawati Haji Yahya

Shooting or producing a beautiful picture can amaze anyone who sees it, but behind the beautiful and beautiful picture, the hard work and effort required by a photographer is very challenging.

In this age of technology, producing a beautiful picture can not only be obtained by using Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, even mobile phones that used to be used only to communicate, now also produce pictures that are no less great than pictures from DSLR camera.

To be a professional photographer is not only seen through the skills and techniques used, it is even a bonus when it is able to make a picture bring a thousand beautiful memories that will not fade for those who look at it.

In sharing their experiences and views in the field of photography, several winners of the Borneo Bulletin Photography contest 2023/2024 have recently shared their experiences and tips to get a beautiful photo.

An exhibition of some of the photos that participated in the competition.

Don’t give up easily

Media interview with the first place winner in the 40th Brunei Darussalam National Day category, Law Hieng Hing who is from Sarawak, Malaysia and works in this country, did not think that one of the three photos submitted for this category had managed to win hearts the jurors.

He who previously only participated in landscape photography contests and human interestbut this time he wants to develop and diversify his skills by trying to participate in a different category than before.

He said when met, “participating in a different category than previous participation, is an opportunity to improve oneself and add more knowledge in the field of photography”.

Law Hieng Hing with his photo.

He who expressed a feeling of happiness and excitement to continue sharing the story from the photos taken, and shared a recap of how the successful photos took him one step forward to get a photo showing the face of the joy of independence.

While to get the desired picture, what needs to be applied in the mind is creativity in producing the desired picture where it needs the right time to record the atmosphere.

He also explained, what is more important to get a beautiful, interesting picture and what is desired is to get the right moment, for example to take a picture at sunset, there are times when it is not successful because of weather conditions and so on.

Through the challenge, we don’t have to give up but make it a motivation to keep trying to get a dream picture.

Although he has participated in various contests in the country and abroad, he is not tired of continuing to seek knowledge with those who are skilled in taking pictures to get the best techniques.

In addition to participating in photography contests held in the country as a platform to build and establish oneself in photography, he also developed his skills by participating in contests held in Malaysia.

Traditional machete making is an option

The picture showing an elderly, traditional machete maker in Kampung Belimbing has brought luck to Haji Kahan bin Haji Nasir, 71, when he won first place in the Population, Food and Culture category.

When met, he explained that this was his first time participating and he did not expect a picture Black and White sent has been selected by the judges of the contest.

Haji Kahan with his photo.

“The taking of this photo is actually not for competition, it is for personal storage to give knowledge and show the next generation about the traditional way of making parang,” he said.

Coinciding with the category, he has tried to send the photo to be competed in addition to participating in several other categories.

Touching on his involvement in the field of photography, he explained that his involvement began in 2005 but became more active in 2006 and subsequently became a member of the Brunei Darussalam Photography Association.

With this success, he will continue to strive and improve himself to produce more pictures in the future not only for the competition but also for future generations to see.

Age is not a barrier

If there is already a deep interest in photography, age is not an obstacle to continue to produce a beautiful picture and thus have an impact on those who see it.

His hobby in this field has started since 1960 when he was still in school, explained Haji Mohd Sunny Lai bin Abdullah, 72, who was one of the winners of the consolation prize in the sports category.

Haji Mohd Sunny Lai during an interview. – PHOTOS BY MUIZ MATDANI

When interviewed, he expressed his gratitude when his first entry was selected as the winner of the consolation prize in the sports category.

“The photo taken shows someone kayaking in Kampung Meragang which was taken in the morning,” he explained.

Even though he is old with experience taking pictures since the 60s, he never gets tired of continuing to gain knowledge and tips by diligently asking to get the best techniques from those who are more experts in this field.

According to him, to produce a beautiful picture does not only depend on the prowess of the camera used and the technique possessed, but also requires weather conditions and moments that also play an important role in the production of the dream.

In addition to taking pictures of sports and landscapes, he also likes to take pictures of wildlife such as birds. “It requires a lot of hand balance and stamina,” he explained when sharing his experience of taking pictures of birds.

To get beautiful and unique pictures of wildlife, sometimes you have to cross the forest. In his age that is over 70 years old, but it does not become an obstacle for him to enjoy the hobby that has been ingrained in him.

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