Dancer Massimo Sinató joins musical “Moulin Rouge”

Dancer Massimo Sinató joins musical “Moulin Rouge”

Dancer Massimo Sinató joins musical “Moulin Rouge”

Professional dancer Massimo Sinató, known from the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance”, is becoming a musical actor. The 43-year-old will take on the role of Santiago in the opulent production “Moulin Rouge!” in Cologne – a passionate Argentinian dancer who is famous for his spirited and energetic tango in the Moulin Rouge nightclub. Sinató revealed this to the German Press Agency.

“When I got the request, I didn’t have to think long. I was immediately hooked,” he said. The dancer became known to a wider audience primarily through his numerous appearances in the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance”, which he won in 2010 and 2020. In the show, professional dancers dance with celebrities. There is a certain cross-connection to “Moulin Rouge!” – in May, the television show made a one-off guest appearance at the Cologne Musical Dome, where “Moulin Rouge!” is normally performed.

“Very flirty”

The chance to combine dancing with singing as a musical actor is an opportunity for him to broaden his horizons, said Sinató. The role of Santiago also has a personal meaning for him, he said. “I can identify very well with the role. Santiago is a full-blooded Latino from Argentina. I have relatives there myself, the Italian branch of my family emigrated to Argentina after the Second World War. I think this Latino flair is in me too.”

And with a wink, Sinató added: “Of course, Santiago is always very flirty at one point or another. At home, I’m actually more of a henpecked husband.” Sinató is married to presenter and model Rebecca Mir.

“Moulin Rouge!” is a lavish production based on the 2001 film “Moulin Rouge,” which starred Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. The venue in Cologne is bursting with ornate details and is bathed in bold red. The story, which is set in 1899, revolves around a young writer who falls in love with the star of the legendary Moulin Rouge nightclub. The musical premiered in Cologne at the end of 2022.

Singing lessons for the new role

Sinató considers the production to be a true masterpiece. “The overture, the soundtrack from Lady Gaga to Elton John, and the great stage design – everything together is simply overwhelming.” The ensemble is of high quality. “People leave the show with a beaming smile,” he said. The dancer is currently scheduled to appear in his role for the first time in November.

He said he was feeling a certain amount of excitement before the premiere, even though he had been on stage “countless times”. “The biggest challenge for me is singing, that’s new for me.” He is preparing for the new role with intensive singing lessons. Performing as part of a large ensemble is also new territory for him: “In ‘Let’s Dance’ there are two of you on stage and you rock the show. Here there are lots of little cogs that have to mesh together.”

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