Brandenburg well prepared for floods

Brandenburg well prepared for floods

Brandenburg well prepared for floods

According to the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), Brandenburg is well prepared for the impending flooding. From the middle of the week, the greatest concern is a rise in the water in the Oder, said Sebastian Gold from the THW to the broadcaster RBB-Inforadio. The situation is still unclear, however, and everything is being prepared. Brandenburg is well prepared, however. A crisis team is meeting in Frankfurt (Oder) on Tuesday.

It is important to get ahead of the situation, i.e. to plan everything in good time by the aid organizations and politicians, said Gold. Heavy rain is not expected in Brandenburg, however, as the flooding is coming from areas southeast of Germany. However, people who may be affected can prepare for the situation and check their basements in time to put valuables in a safe place.

According to the State Office for the Environment (LfU), flood alert level 1 is expected to be declared in Brandenburg for some Oder regions such as Ratzdorf, Eisenhüttenstadt and Frankfurt (Oder) from Wednesday or Thursday. The water levels are rising sharply, so that on Sunday the highest alert level 4 is expected at the Ratzdorf gauge. From alert level 3, properties, streets or cellars can be flooded.

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