By when the postal voting documents should be sent

By when the postal voting documents should be sent

By when the postal voting documents should be sent

According to the state election officer, anyone who wants to cast their vote in the Brandenburg election by letter and send it by post should do so by this Wednesday at the latest. “Your votes will only count if your postal voting documents are received by the electoral authority in time,” said Josef Nussbaum.

Given the postal delivery times, the completed postal voting documents should be returned to the electoral authorities this Wednesday. The ballot must be received at the address stated on the ballot envelope by 6 p.m. on election Sunday at the latest.

In case of emergency, voting documents will be available until 3pm on Sunday

As an alternative to sending the ballot by post, the postal voting documents can also be handed in directly to the electoral authority or put in the mailbox by election day. The documents can be requested until 6 p.m. on Friday. In special cases, such as when eligible voters fall ill at short notice, authorized persons can also request the documents until 3 p.m. on election day.

Nussbaum recently made it clear that the number of postal voters in this state election is likely to be significantly higher than in the election five years ago. According to the state election officer, just over a week and a half ago there were already 356,000 applications for postal voting – that corresponds to almost 17 percent of those eligible to vote. Before the state election in 2019, there were around 205,000 applications at the same time. That corresponds to almost 10 percent of those eligible to vote.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240917-930-235283/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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