No integration without a permanent job

No integration without a permanent job

No integration without a permanent job

According to CDU top candidate Jan Redmann, permanent employment is a prerequisite for the successful integration of immigrants in Brandenburg. “We need qualified immigration in various sectors,” said the 44-year-old in a discussion between the top candidates for the state election on RBB television. At the debate in Potsdam, the top candidates of the parties met for the only live duel on television a few days before the state election.

Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke stated that the best way to integrate foreigners is through work. The leading candidate of the Free Voters, Péter Vida, also argued in the same way as the SPD politician. The prerequisite for successful integration is permanent employment.

Left Party top candidate Sebastian Walter campaigned for more immigration and complained that the migration debate in Germany was deterring highly qualified immigrants. Woidke spoke out in favor of a “climate of cosmopolitanism.” “Xenophobia is damaging our country. In many areas we are dependent on foreign skilled workers,” said the SPD politician, referring to foreign doctors in hospitals.

AfD top candidate Hans-Christoph Berndt spoke out in favor of improving the education of young Germans instead of looking for skilled workers abroad. Despite high immigration numbers, the skilled labor problem is greater than ever. Left Party top candidate Walter warned against mixing up the issue of skilled labor immigration and the asylum question.

BSW top candidate Robert Crumbach also supported the immigration of qualified workers, but only “in part”. “We must not snatch the best workers from other countries,” he said.

A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg on Sunday. According to a recent poll, the AfD is still in first place, receiving 28 percent of the vote. The SPD is in second place with 25 percent.

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