Kg Kilanas Mosque organized the closing ceremony

Kg Kilanas Mosque organized the closing ceremony

By Yusrin Junaidi –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 17 – After the chanting of Dikir Syarafil Anam echoed for 12 consecutive nights in conjunction with the celebration of the Maulud of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Takmir Committee members of Kampung Kilanas Mosque held a closing ceremony of the dikir at the mosque, today.

Present as the guest of honor at the ceremony was the Acting Deputy Director General of the Public Works Department, Ministry of Development, Ir Awang Norazmi bin Othman.

According to the mosque’s takmir committee statement, 22 dikir teams from outside the village have been invited this year to enliven the Syarafil Anam Dikir Ceremony for 12 nights.

One of the main purposes of the dikir ceremony held at the mosque is to encourage all members and residents of the village as well as the mosque congregation to participate and make the dikir ceremony a success.

In addition, he also encouraged the village community to reach out to the mosque thus fostering a spirit of cooperation and strengthening friendships as well as carrying out AJK’s annual activities in conjunction with the Maulud of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Earlier, the ceremony started with the congregational Fardu Maghrib Prayer, followed by the Dikir Syarafil Anam which started with the Dikir Assala mualaika’ and then the Dikir Badatlana, Khairuman, Alhamdullilah and Bisaharin.

The ceremony was graced with a performance of Dikir Badat from the Ministry of Development and the congregation of the Perak Jubilee Mosque Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Kampung Jangsak, followed by a performance by Awang Muhd ​​Fahmie bin Haji Awang Metussin

The event continued with congregational Isyak prayers, Dikir Marhaban, Doa Dikir, Doa Selamat Peliharakan Sultan and tazkirah by guest speakers.

Kg Kilanas Mosque organized the closing ceremony
Ir Awang Norazmi was present at the closing ceremony at the Kampung Kilanas Mosque yesterday. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI
Among those present at the event. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI

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