What makes smaller cities great when shopping

What makes smaller cities great when shopping

What makes smaller cities great when shopping

It doesn’t always have to be a big city. When it comes to shopping, many consumers also like small and medium-sized towns. This was shown by a representative survey by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Retail Association (HDE). Cities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants score highly with short walking distances, a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere and clarity. Medium-sized towns – those where more than 20,000 people live – are also valued for their wide range of shops and restaurants.

According to YouGov, around 70 percent of residents of small and medium-sized towns do most of their shopping where they live. Only a third commute to the nearest town. “The good supply of consumer goods, the quick accessibility of the city center and attractive shopping opportunities make small and medium-sized towns particularly livable places,” says HDE General Manager Stefan Genth. The situation in the centers of smaller towns is “often not nearly as bleak as is often portrayed.” People don’t always have to drive to the big city to be able to shop properly, says Genth.

According to the HDE, two thirds of all households in Germany live in small and medium-sized towns. The proportion of spending on everyday goods that goes to these towns is just as large. Small and medium-sized towns are preferred for shopping – like large cities – for buying supplies and for seasonal events such as Christmas, as the survey shows. A third of those surveyed do not come to the city centres for specific purchases, but for a shopping spree.

According to YouGov, the most popular product groups are clothing, food, hygiene and cosmetic products. Almost half of people go shopping in the city center at least once a month, another 40 percent every two or three months, and only 6 percent every 7 to 12 months or less often. A direct comparison with previous surveys is not possible because the survey was conducted in this form for the first time.

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