Ten suggestions to combat violence in stadiums

Ten suggestions to combat violence in stadiums

Ten suggestions to combat violence in stadiums

According to a media report, the executive committee of the German Football Association (DFB) will decide on ten proposals to combat violence and pyrotechnics in stadiums this Friday. As the “Sport Bild” newspaper reported, the areas of prevention, containment and sanctions will be discussed. The final plans will then be discussed at the security summit between politicians, the German Football League (DFL) and the DFB in Munich in mid-October.

“Concrete individual measures are needed to prevent, contain and specifically sanction incidents,” the DFL said in response to a request from the German Press Agency.

Recommendations come from the Stadium Safety Working Group

At the suggestion of the DFL representatives in its executive committee, the DFB had already convened a stadium security working group in December 2023. The working group had developed the recommendations over many months “in order to continue to keep the stadium experience safe”.

However, the DFL did not provide any information on the specific proposals. According to the report in “Sport Bild”, so-called ghost games are not among the measures proposed to politicians.

In an interview with “Sport Bild”, Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior and Sports, Joachim Herrmann, called for a “massive distancing of professional clubs from violence and pyrotechnics” and threatened to play games behind closed doors if football did not get the problem under control. At the same time, the CSU politician suggested introducing personalized tickets in the Bundesliga, increasing stadium bans for rioters and game abandonments, and deducting points for clubs. At the summit, the chairman of the Conference of Sports Ministers expects concrete proposals from the DFL and the DFB for more security in the stadiums.

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