Experts predict low point in BVG bus service

Experts predict low point in BVG bus service

Experts predict low point in BVG bus service

The Berlin Transport Company (BVG) is currently Problems with delayed or cancelled subway trains facing another challenge: According to a forecast by the Center for Local Transport Berlin, which the RBB reportsthe BVG will only Reach 90.2 million bus kilometres – a historic low since 2016. This means that the company is moving further and further away from the contractually agreed targets, as the analysis from August 19 makes clear, the broadcaster reports.

The Transport contract with the State of Berlin envisages a mileage of 97.9 million kilometers for 2023. But the real figures are sobering. In 2021, the BVG only achieved 94.5 million kilometers, and since then the Supply has fallen continuously.

The goal of 101 million kilometers by 2030, which was agreed between the state and the BVG, seems illusory: There is a threat of Supply gap of over eleven million bus kilometres – this would correspond roughly to the entire Bus service in the Spandau districtThe main reason for this development is the acute shortage of bus drivers, according to transport planners.

Passenger association speaks of “fulminant crisis”

The Passenger Association IGEB speaks openly of a “fulminant BVG crisis“. Christian Linow, spokesman for the association, was stunned by the situation on RBB: “It is incomprehensible why other major cities like Hamburg are coping better with the shortage of staff than Berlin.” He called on the BVG to make urgent changes in order to To make the job of bus driver more attractive again – from payment to rostering.

The BVG, on the other hand, is cautious. Company spokeswoman Maja Weihgold told RBB that with the reduced timetable this year a performance of 92.4 million bus kilometres She did not want to give an assessment of the forecast of the Local Transport Center, which predicts only 90.2 million kilometers, nor did she want to participate in any projections.

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