Stefan Raab presents his new show for the first time

Stefan Raab presents his new show for the first time

Stefan Raab presents his new show for the first time

Stefan Raab has presented his new weekly entertainment show for the first time. On Wednesday evening, the first episode of “You won’t win the million with Stefan Raab” was available on the streaming service RTL+. Raab can be seen again as the host of a regular show – after a break of almost ten years. At the opening, the 57-year-old said succinctly but cheerfully: “Thank you very much. I’m back. It’s that simple!”

The entertainer also opened his show visually in the way he was remembered from his earlier days on television – blue shirt, jeans, white sneakers. It looked as if Raab had never been away. The Heavytones played as a band in the studio – the musicians are also old companions of Raab’s. In the opening, a spokesman explained that Raab was now back on the screen “after a summer break of almost ten years”. “To entertain you and himself,” as it was said.

Raab slips back into his “television shoes”

Raab actually said goodbye to being a TV presenter in 2015 and hung up his “television shoes”, as he put it at the time. After that, he largely withdrew from public life for almost ten years – until last Saturday. Raab competed in an exhibition match against Regina Halmich for a third time and announced after his defeat that he would now present shows again. At the same time, he tied himself to RTL – the competitor of his former home channel ProSieben.

Raab himself calls the new format “the world’s first entertainment quiz competition hybrid show”. It is intended to be a mixture of late night comedy, quiz and competition. Candidates can win one million euros. The show is only available via streaming. New episodes are to be released every Wednesday.

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