Pufpaff makes fun of Raab

Pufpaff makes fun of Raab

Pufpaff makes fun of Raab

Sebastian Pufpaff (48) has fought back against Stefan Raab’s (57) surprise attack with jokes at his expense. At the beginning of his show on ProSieben on Wednesday evening, “TV total” presenter Pufpaff repeatedly mimicked Raab’s much-noticed appearance last weekend and posed like a muscle man.

Imitating Raab, Pufpaff walked pathetically down the show stairs, accompanied by two assistants with puny table fireworks in their hands. He was introduced with the words: “Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, welcome to “TV total”. He was gone for seven days. We haven’t seen him for seven days. Nobody knows if he’s really coming. And if he is: what will he look like? Here is – but only maybe – Sebastian Pufpaff.”

He entered and was obviously keen to address the elephant in the room, but exuded routine. When discussing the duel, he quickly moved on to the now resolved question of the CDU and CSU’s candidate for chancellor and other events.

Direct attack on ProSieben and Pufpaff

At the exhibition fight “Final Fight” on RTL on Saturday, Raab announced his return in front of the camera after almost ten years off the screen: His new show “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million bei Stefan Raab” on the streaming service RTL+ is a direct attack on ProSieben and Pufpaff, as it is available every Wednesday evening at the same time as “TV total”.

Raab – once the inventor and presenter of “TV total” – has evidently also poached the “TV total” show band from Pufpaff. The Heavytones – once put together for Stefan Raab and later heard on Pufpaff and other ProSieben shows – are now Raab’s regular orchestra again.

“We’re going to the musicians’ strip.”

“TV total” addressed the loss with a lot of humor and grotesqueness. Pufpaff was filmed looking distraught in front of the empty Heavytones dressing room. “Where is the band?” A woman’s voice from the hallway: “On RTL+.” Pufpaff: “On RTL+? That’s not TV. Where can I get a band now? Ah, we’re going to the musicians’ street.” Pufpaff drove a large van across the city and picked up musicians wherever he supposedly found them: a homeless person in a car, a man on a kebab skewer, a recently released prisoner or street musicians. He finally hired musician Jan Klinkenberg as bandleader via a kind of Tinder app.

The keyboard player, pianist and producer Klinkenberg is one of the most successful show band musicians in Germany. He has worked with Helene Fischer, Sarah Connor, Bill & Tom Kaulitz, Stefanie Heinzmann and Teddy Teclebrhan, among others. The new show band is apparently called Klinken Supremes.

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