Dear Abby: I confronted Mom about her cheating on Dad and she said I needed therapy

Dear Abby: I confronted Mom about her cheating on Dad and she said I needed therapy

Dear Abby: I confronted Mom about her cheating on Dad and she said I needed therapy

Dear Abby: I am in my late 20s. My mom and dad will soon have been married for 30 years. I accidentally found evidence recently that Mom is having an extramarital affair. When I confronted her, she said I should go to therapy to help deal with my overreaction to her “doing something I don’t like.” She totally ignored the fact that it’s not just a minor thing that I’m upset about, but something wrong, immoral, hurtful and disrespectful to my dad, my brother and me.

Mom and I were very close, but this has ruined our relationship. I feel like she is putting reconciliation all on me, which feels unfair. What do I do?

— Thrown in Maryland

Dear Thrown: I am sure that what you discovered was a shock. However, you know nothing about the reason(s) your mother may be having an extramarital affair and whether your father knows about it. What’s going on has nothing to do with you and your brother. Please take your mother’s advice. Discuss this mess and your feelings about it with a licensed family therapist, and you may gain some insight.


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See all “Dear Abby” columns

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, California 90069. Copyright 2024, Andrews, McMeel Syndication.

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