Hungary also wants to circumvent EU asylum rules

Hungary also wants to circumvent EU asylum rules

Hungary also wants to circumvent EU asylum rules

Hungary wants how the Netherlands is exiting the European Union’s asylum rulesThis was announced by Hungary’s European Affairs Minister Janos Boka from the ruling Fidesz party.

“Tough action is necessary against illegal migration,” he wrote on X. That is why Budapest wants to apply for an exit from these rules if a change to the EU treaties allows this.

The Netherlands had previously applied to the EU Commission to withdraw from the EU asylum rules. The right-wing populist Geert Wilders, who is in the government coalition for the first time with his radical right-wing Party for Freedom (PVV), spoke of an important signal “that a new wind is blowing in the Netherlands”.

It is unlikely that the Netherlands and Hungary will succeed. As a rule, all 27 EU states must agree to such an exception rule – the so-called opt-out. In addition, the EU countries already in summer on a new asylum reform and must now implement them.

Hungary’s right-wing populist government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been pursuing a policy against migrants for years and is therefore in constant dispute with the EU Commission.

Budapest is currently refusing to grant a visa to the European Court of Justice because of its restrictive asylum policy. to pay the imposed penalty of 200 million eurosThe EU Commission therefore wants to deduct the money from future EU payments to Hungary. (dpa)

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