Only three percent approval for traffic light coalition

Only three percent approval for traffic light coalition

According to a new survey, the model of a traffic light coalition at the federal level has lost almost all supportIn an Allensbach survey published by the “Frankfurter Allgemeine” (Thursday edition), only three percent of respondents were convinced that a coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP would be good for the country. 29 percent named a coalition CDU-led Alliance with the SPD as the desired coalition.

In the survey, 25 percent said they wanted a one-party government with an absolute majority – by a large margin they favored a CDU/CSU government.

54 percent of citizens expressed the wish that the CDU/CSU would play a leading role in the next government are represented. Only 29 percent said this about the current chancellor’s party, the SPD.

In the Sunday question, the CDU/CSU increased their lead in the Allensbach survey, reaching 35.5 percent. The second strongest party is the AfD with 17 percent, followed by the SPD, which achieved 16 percent. The Greens fell to ten percent, while the BSW was close behind at nine percent. The FDP (four percent) and the Left Party, on the other hand, would no longer be represented in the Bundestag.

For the survey, the Allensbach Institute interviewed a total of 1,017 people from August 29 to September 11. According to the institute, the survey is representative of the German population aged 16 and over. (AFP)

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