Glimmer of hope for forest fires in Portugal

Glimmer of hope for forest fires in Portugal

Glimmer of hope for forest fires in Portugal

A change in the weather has helped firefighters in the forest and bush fires in Portugal. Declining winds and higher humidity could make it possible to contain the fires, reported the state TV broadcaster RTP.

Rain forecasts could provide further relief in the fight against the fires. However, the rain could also trigger mudslides on scorched earth, reported the state news agency Lusa.

Some of the more than 100 fires, mainly in the centre and north of the country, have been extinguished or brought under control, such as in the small town of Nelas in central Portugal, Lusa reported. The area burned so far this year – 140,000 hectares (1,400 square kilometres) – is the largest in the past seven years.

So far, ten people have died, either while battling the flames or elderly people have suffered heart attacks as a result of fear and excitement, Lusa reported. Almost 4,000 firefighters were deployed nationwide, supported by firefighting planes and helicopters.

Because of the forest fires, Portugal’s carbon emissions were the highest in a September in 22 years, at an estimated 1.9 million tonnes, the EU’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) said. Smoke emissions are also expected to reach parts of Spain and France by the weekend.

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