More serious flood situation expected next week

More serious flood situation expected next week

More serious flood situation expected next week

While the flood situation on the Elbe is easing in some areas, the Oder regions in Brandenburg are preparing for the situation to worsen. They are expecting alarm levels 3 and 4 in some areas in the coming week. It is still unclear when exactly extreme flooding is to be expected. In any case, flood protection measures are continuing.

At the Frankfurt (Oder) gauge, water levels rose continuously, so that alarm level 1 was declared for this area in the afternoon, as the State Office for the Environment announced. The lowest alarm level has been in effect for the Ratzdorf and Eisenhüttenstadt gauges since Wednesday.

The Oder city of Frankfurt does not expect the situation to escalate over the weekend, a spokesman said. However, in the first half of the week, previous highs and alarm level 3 are expected – that is, a water level of 6 meters. It is still unclear whether the water levels will remain at a high level for several days.

The Märkisch-Oderland district announced that, according to current forecasts, the water level would reach alarm level 3 on Monday. It was likely that the highest level 4 would quickly follow, they said. The first roads in the district near the Oder were closed.

In the Oder-Spree district, a polling station near the Oder will be relocated as a precautionary measure for the state elections on Sunday. Frankfurt (Oder) had already decided to relocate two polling stations.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240919-930-237602/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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