Police clear shopping centre after knife dispute

Police clear shopping centre after knife dispute

Police clear shopping centre after knife dispute

At a Dispute between several people is in a shopping center in Erfurt a 27-year-old injured with a knife. During the dispute also Pepper spray used by the opponentsthe situation center reported.

Several people suffered as a result Respiratory irritation and eye rednessAll injured people received immediate medical treatment.

The police, the alerted by several emergency calls was cleared the Thüringen Park and closed the Shopping center. “Bild” was the first to report on this. A 26-year-old alleged suspect be arrested According to police, the investigation is currently wanted for another 23-year-old perpetrator.

The police were initially unable to provide any information about the background to the dispute. Officers were on site in large numbers. dangerous bodily harm According to the assessment of the Thuringian According to the police, this is not an attack scenario and there was never any danger to the population. (dpa)

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