Serious flooding expected next week

Serious flooding expected next week

Serious flooding expected next week

While the flood situation on the Elbe is easing, the Oder regions in Brandenburg must prepare for the situation to worsen. “In some areas of the Oder, the highest warning level 4 may be reached in the next few days. That is why we are staying vigilant,” said Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD). It is still unclear when exactly extreme flooding is to be expected. In any case, precautions against flooding and flood damage are continuing along the Oder. Stable sheet pile walls have been built to keep out masses of water.

Demonstration with sandbags in front of Brandenburg Gate

The floods in Europe and parts of Germany are also triggering a debate about the importance of climate protection. Climate activists from the group Last Generation demonstrated with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin: “Climate catastrophe = flood catastrophe” was written on signs.

Environment Minister wants more speed in climate protection

Brandenburg’s Environment Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) also expects that extreme weather events such as drought and heavy rain will increase in the future. “That is why we must push ahead with climate protection ambitiously and at a faster pace in order to protect ourselves, the people and our infrastructure, and thus take better precautions.”

Frankfurt expects serious situation in the first half of the week

At the Frankfurt (Oder) gauge, water levels rose continuously, so that alarm level 1 was declared for this area in the afternoon, as the State Office for the Environment announced. The lowest alarm level has been in effect for the Ratzdorf and Eisenhüttenstadt gauges since Wednesday.

The Oder city of Frankfurt does not expect the situation to escalate over the weekend, a spokesman said. However, in the first half of the week, the highest levels to date and alarm level 3 are expected – that is, a water level of six meters. It is still unclear whether the water levels will remain at a high level for several days.

The Märkisch-Oderland district announced that, according to current forecasts, the water level would reach alarm level 3 on Monday. It was likely that the highest level 4 would quickly follow, they said. The first roads in the district near the Oder were closed.

Precautions continue – Kleist Museum closes

The fire service and the technical relief organization in particular are continuing to prepare for an emergency. Sheet pile walls have been erected and construction sites near the river have been secured. In Frankfurt (Oder), the Kleist Museum is also closed until Monday. According to the city’s own information, 838 residents live in streets that are considered to be at risk from flooding.

Migrants volunteer to fill sandbags

To protect against the impending flooding, migrants from a shelter run by the Central Aliens Authority of Brandenburg (ZABH) in Frankfurt (Oder) are helping to fill sandbags. Since many elderly people live in a threatened urban area who need help filling and transporting the sandbags, the German Red Cross asked for voluntary help at a ZABH facility, a city spokesman said. The response was very positive. Around 30 migrants were very motivated to help fill the sandbags.

Farmers’ President: Beavers can endanger dike safety

The many dikes that have been renovated and reinforced in many places in Brandenburg in recent years are designed to protect against flooding. From alarm level 3 onwards, dike guards are on the move on the protective structures to look out for possible damage.

According to the Brandenburg farmers’ president, beavers can pose a threat to the safety of the dike. In view of the flood situation, a special regulation has been introduced on the Oder dike to allow the shooting of the protected animals, said Henrik Wendorff, who has a farm in Märkisch-Oderland, to the German Press Agency. Hunters are therefore allowed to shoot beavers that have dug themselves into the dike. “Disaster protection takes priority over species protection,” said Wendorff. Beavers seek protection in the dikes when floods threaten their buildings.

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