Höcke calls for departure from the ideal of a multicultural society

Höcke calls for departure from the ideal of a multicultural society

Höcke calls for departure from the ideal of a multicultural society

At the official end of the AfD’s election campaign in Brandenburg, Thuringia’s AfD leader Björn Höcke called for a departure from the ideal of a multicultural society. “We don’t need more multiculturalism. Multiculturalism has failed spectacularly,” Höcke said to around 600 people in Cottbus. “We need re- and de-multiculturalization in Brandenburg.”

In Thuringia, the AfD is the strongest party in a German state parliament for the first time following the state elections there. The state party is classified as definitely right-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and is being monitored.

With the opening of the borders in 2015, Germany was subjected to an “experiment,” Höcke continued. The result was, among other things, the loss of internal security. In 2015, then-Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to allow thousands of migrants who were travelling from Hungary to enter Germany.

Berndt: “Germany is the country of the Germans”

The “old parties” are rejecting their own people, said Brandenburg AfD top candidate Hans-Christoph Berndt in Cottbus. “Germany is the country of the Germans. Germany should remain the country of the Germans.” It is the duty of the Germans to honor the legacy of their ancestors and pass it on to future generations, Berndt stressed.

“The wind is changing,” said Berndt three days before the state election. “We are the party that sets the pace and we are the party of the future.” The “old parties” are very afraid of the upcoming election.

On Sunday, Brandenburg will elect a new state parliament. A recently published poll put the AfD in first place with 28 percent of the vote. The SPD is in second place with 25 percent. This is the result of a survey by the opinion research institute Insa on behalf of the “Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung”.

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