Accident on the Kiel Fjord: 74-year-old drives into crowd

Accident on the Kiel Fjord: 74-year-old drives into crowd

Accident on the Kiel Fjord: 74-year-old drives into crowd

A 74-year-old man drove a rental car into a group of conference participants in Heikendorf on the Kiel Fjord. Five people were injured.

The police assumes an accidentOne woman suffered serious injuries and four other people were slightly injured, a police spokeswoman said.

All injured people were participants of the submarine conference “SubCon” (17-19 September), as a spokesman for ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems announced. They wanted to lay a wreath at the Möltenort submarine memorial.

This is reminiscent of the German soldiers who died in both World Wars Submarine-Units“Our thoughts are with the injured and their families,” said the company spokesman. According to him, the car drove into the group despite the barriers.

The driver said he wanted to stop near a parking lot in the late afternoon, police said. but accidentally drove forward into a bollardrolled over it and then collided with a group of people walking there. The rental car is a E-vehiclesaid the police spokeswoman.

The Five injured people were transported by ambulance to surrounding Hospitals broughtThe 74-year-old driver was uninjured. The Heikendorf police station has begun investigating the accident.

The municipality in the district of Plön in Schleswig-Holstein is located on the eastern shore of the Kiel Fjord and borders on the Kiel city area. Accident happened on the riverside path. (dpa)

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