The importance of keeping the mind guided by the Sunnah

The importance of keeping the mind guided by the Sunnah

By Nurdiyanah R. –

Keeping the mind or keeping intelligence and thinking ability is an important aspect in the life of a Muslim. Preservation of reason means giving protection to human reason from anything that will damage it.

Therefore, the mind must be preserved and nurtured with noble values ​​and beneficial knowledge and always try to stay away from all elements that can damage the mind as soon as possible.

These matters were emphasized by the Religious Development Officer, Tutong Dakwah Unit, Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI), Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU), Dayang Nurhuwaina binti Mamud while delivering a special tazkirah entitled Maintaining Reason Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW at the Women’s Gathering in conjunction with the celebration of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s birthday at the Tutong District level for the year 1446 Hijrah equivalent to 2024 AD, recently.


At the ceremony which took place at the Jubilee Hall, Hashim Tutong Junior High School (SMMHT), Dayang Nurhuwaina in the tazkirah also touched on the position of reason in Islam and its importance.

“Intelligence is a very precious gift of God. With reason, we can distinguish between right and wrong, we can understand God’s commands and practice His laws wisely. Intellect is also one of God’s gifts that distinguishes humans from other creatures,” he explained.

The importance of keeping the mind guided by the Sunnah
Dayang Nurhuwaina while delivering a special tazkirah titled ‘Keeping the Mind Guided by the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW’ at the event. – PHOTO BY NURDIYANAH R.
The event was also graced with Dikir Marhaban, who brightened the atmosphere of the women’s gathering, which was presented by head teachers and religious school teachers of the Islamic Studies Department of Tutong District. – PHOTO BY NURDIYANAH R.
Among the Muslim women who attended the ceremony. – PHOTO BY NURDIYANAH R.

He also stated in the Quran, Allah often praises those who use their intellect to the best of their ability. The words of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Mukminun, verse 115 as interpreted, ‘Then do you think that We only created you in vain and that you will not be returned to Us (to be accounted for and receive a reward)?’.

This verse reminds us that this life is not in vain, we must use our intellect to understand and carry out God’s commands with full responsibility.


In the meantime, Dayang Nurhuwaina also presented how to preserve the mind guided by the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW which includes six things, namely by seeking knowledge; maintaining physical and mental health; avoiding negative influences by avoiding actions that harm the mind; think and reflect; avoid excessive stress and fatigue; and pray and ask for guidance.

He explained further, in seeking knowledge, Prophet Muhammad SAW motivated his people to always seek knowledge and knowledge. Based on the hadith narrated by Ibnu Majah, His Majesty the Prophet SAW said which means ‘Seeking knowledge is the duty of every Muslim’.

With knowledge, he said again, we can make wise decisions and keep our minds sharp. This is also proven through the words of His Majesty the Messenger of God SAW narrated by Bukhari and Muslim which means, ‘Whoever God wills good for him, then He will be understood in his religion’.

Clearly, knowledge is the light that illuminates our intellect. By seeking knowledge, we not only improve our knowledge but also sharpen our intellectual abilities.

Dayang Nurhuwaina also added that Rasulullah SAW emphasized the importance of taking care of physical and mental health as a way of preserving the mind.

In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet SAW said, meaning, ‘A strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than a weak believer, and there is goodness in both of them (hadith narrated by Muslim)’. This hadith shows the importance of taking care of the health and strength of the body to ensure that our mind works well.

Among other things, he also explained that the Prophet SAW reminds us to stay away from negative influences that can damage our intellect. In the hadith of the Prophet SAW narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, which means, ‘The example of a good friend and a bad friend is like a perfume seller and a blacksmith. A perfume seller may give you perfume, or you can buy perfume from him, and even if not, you still get a good smell from him. As for the blacksmith, it may (the sparks) touch your clothes, and even if not you still get the unpleasant smell of smoke’.

Therefore, Dayang Nurhuwaina explained, choosing good and faithful friends is important because they influence the way we think and act.

In the meantime, he also stated in his tazkirah that the Prophet SAW often encouraged his people to think and reflect on the creation of Allah SWT.

In the hadith narrated by Bukhari, His Majesty the Prophet SAW said which means, ‘Reflect on what God has created in the heavens and the earth. Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are signs for those who understand’.

“Thinking about God’s creation can strengthen faith and help us use reason better,” he said.

In addition, Dayang Nurhuwaina stressed, we are also required to take care of mental and emotional well-being for mental health. The Prophet SAW taught us to maintain a balance between worship and daily life, and not to burden ourselves with unnecessary burdens.

“Praying to Allah SWT to be given guidance and intelligence is also part of keeping the mind. In prayer, we can ask for guidance so that our minds remain healthy and awake,” he explained in his tazkirah which was attended by more than 400 Muslim women at a ceremony commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

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