Celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW

By Salawati Haji Yahya, Yusrin Junaidi & Nurdiyanah R. –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 19 SEPT – As an annual event and to celebrate the Maulud of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, ministries, departments and government agencies have enlivened the celebrations with regard to various religious events.

last evening, Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (KSSUP) as well as the departments under it held a Celebration of the Maulud of Prophet Muhammad SAW at Dewan Setia Pahlawan, KSSUP.

Present as the guest of honor was the Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism, the Honorable Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin.

The ceremony started with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa Selamat as well as a special lecture entitled The beautiful character of the Prophet SAW by the Religious Development Officer, Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI), Ministry of Religious Affairs, Haji Muhammad Najib bin Haji Awang and ended with Dikir Marhaban by the Dhiyaul Iman Group.

Also present was the Permanent Secretary at KSSUP, Hajah Tutiaty binti Haji Abdul Wahab and members of KSSUP and the departments under her.

Celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW
The Honorable Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf while attending the Maulud Celebration of Prophet Muhammad SAW at Dewan Setia Pahlawan, KSSUP. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI
The Honorable Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary was present at the ceremony held at Dewan Amar Pahlawan, MTIC. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI
The Honorable Dato Seri Setia Haji Nazmi attended the ceremony which took place at Dewan Digadong, KKBS. – PHOTO BY MUIZ MATDANI
Yang Berhormat Datin Seri Paduka Hajah Nor Hashimah while attending a ceremony held at the Golden Jubilee Hall. – PHOTO SUBMITTED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE
Picture of Muiz Matdani
Picture of Muiz Matdani
Among the guests present at the ceremony held at Dewan Setia Pahlawan, KSSUP. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI
Picture By Nurdiyanah R.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) and the departments and agencies of the authorities under it also held a joint event managed by the Information-communication Technology Industry Authority (AITI) at Dewan Amar Pahlawan, MTIC.

Present at the event was the Minister of Transport and Infocommunications, His Excellency Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary bin Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Mustapha and senior officials and MTIC citizens.

The ceremony started with the recitation of Surah A-Fatihah and Doa Selamat by the Mosque Affairs Officer, Brunei and Muara District Mosque Affairs Department, Awang Saufi bin Haji Suhaini.

The next ceremony was graced with a special talk titled Maintaining Reason Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW which was delivered by the Assistant Ra’es, Seri Begawan Religious Teaching University College, Dr Haji Mohd Sharol Azmi bin Haji Abdul Muluk, together with the Senior Assistant for Religious Development, PDI, Awang Muhammad Syamim Farhan bin Haji Sufri as moderator.

The ceremony was then enlivened with a Dikir Marhaban performance from the MTIC Dikir Group before ending with the presentation of souvenirs by His Excellency Pengiran Dato to the guest speaker and moderator.

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (KKBS) and the departments under it also held the same ceremony at Dewan Digadong, KKBS which was attended by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad as the guest of honour.

The ceremony run by the Department of Museums began with the recitation of the holy verses of the Quran delivered by the National Youth Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran reciter 1445H/2024M, Awang Qawiyyel Azeez bin Haji Abdul Rajid.

The ceremony was graced with a special talk titled The Prophet’s love has no end which was delivered by the guest speaker, Religious Officer at PDI, Awang Nasyith bin Superi and ended with Dikir Marhaban, Selawat Tafrijiyyah and Sayyidul Istighfar in large numbers.

Whereas, Attorney General’s Office also held a similar ceremony at the Golden Jubilee Hall, Law and Courts Building, Jalan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS).

Present as the guest of honor at the event was the Attorney General, His Excellency Datin Seri Paduka Hajah Nor Hashimah binti Haji Muhammed Taib.

Also present was the Attorney General, Hajah Zuraini binti Haji Sharbawi, as well as officers and staff of the Attorney General’s Office.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by the Legal Adviser at the Attorney General’s Office, Awang Mohammad Nazmi Azwan bin Awang and followed by the recitation of the holy verses of the Quran by the reciter who won the third place in the Division’s Musabaqah Recitation of the Quran National Final Stage Adult Year 1446H/2024 AD, Awangku Adi Nazri bin Pengiran Haji Jofri.

The ceremony continued with a special talk in conjunction with the theme Maintaining Reason Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW which was delivered by the Religious Development Officer, PDI, Awang Ahmad Muzhafar bin Haji Marsidi.

The ceremony was also graced with tausyeh performances from the officers and staff of the Attorney General’s Office led by the Legal Adviser, Haji Shufi bin Haji Ibrahim.

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