Trial against activists continues

Trial against activists continues

Trial against activists continues

A trial against two climate activists of the last generation for attacks on an oil pipeline running from the Baltic Sea to Brandenburg continues today (9.30 a.m.). The 69- and 74-year-olds must answer before the Neubrandenburg district court because they are said to have broken into two oil pumping stations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in April 2022 in order to block the pipeline from Rostock to the refinery in Schwedt, Brandenburg.

On the first day of the trial at the beginning of September, the accused had submitted several motions for evidence, which were to be discussed at the additional hearing scheduled for Friday. A court spokeswoman did not say whether a verdict would be announced at that time. The two must answer for disrupting public services, damaging property and trespassing. They did not accept penalty orders with fines of 4,000 euros each, which is why the trial took place.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240920-930-237738/1

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