Public hygiene roadshow student awareness level

Public hygiene roadshow student awareness level

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 19 SEPT – A total of 100 students from Tunas Jaya School, Brunei Malay Teachers Federation (STJ PGGMB) Lambak, participated in a roadshow on the offense of littering in public places organized by the Enforcement Division of the Littering Offenses Act (Amendment 2021), Office Brunei and Muara District, Ministry of Home Affairs at the school, recently.

The program aims to increase the awareness of primary school students about public hygiene laws in this country, as well as educate them about the negative effects of irresponsible littering.

The roadshow witnessed a briefing delivered by two officers from the division, led by Dayangku Noradinawati binti Pengiran Sulaiman and Awang Sizali bin Mohd Yassin, with the hope of instilling the value of cleanliness and compliance with hygiene laws since school.

In his speech, the school’s Headmaster, Haji Roslan bin Haji Mohd Hassan, described the roadshow as a right step in educating students at the primary level who are still easily formed. He also emphasized that the application of hygiene values ​​and knowledge of laws related to public hygiene is very important to educate the younger generation.

“Students at this level can accept and understand the importance of keeping their environment clean, in addition to knowing the laws that can be imposed on offenders who throw rubbish arbitrarily,” he said.

The program also involved an interactive question and answer session with the students, which successfully attracted their interest to better understand the issue of garbage disposal and the responsibility of maintaining cleanliness.

STJ PGGMB Lambak was selected to participate in the program, and the school also expressed its appreciation to the Brunei and Muara District Office for the opportunity given to involve students in efforts to increase public awareness.

Also present at the ceremony was the Secretary General of PGGMB, Haji Mustapa bin Haji Masri as well as the school’s teaching staff.

Public hygiene roadshow student awareness level
The students while listening to the briefing. – STJ PGGMB SUBMISSION PICTURES
Among the students who attended the roadshow. – STJ PGGMB SUBMISSION PICTURES

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