MMSB residents managed to collect 60kg of waste

MMSB residents managed to collect 60kg of waste

By Daniel Lim

BELAIT, SEPT 20 – More than 40 officers and staff from various departments under Mahkota Maju Sdn Bhd (MMSB) managed to collect around 60 kilograms (kg) of waste during the Employee Healthy Lifestyle Program held today at Sungai Liang Recreation Park.

Present at the head of the campaign was MMSB’s Director of Training, Haji Ibrahim bin Haji Mahmud who gave an inspiring speech to the officers and staff present about the importance of the campaign.

“A program organized as part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR), this is one of our ways to create a positive impact while striving to give back to the local community.”

Meanwhile, MMSB’s Human Resources Manager, Diyanah Izzati, also reminded everyone to remain vigilant with their daily choices and hoped their actions would inspire them to carry out similar programs to protect the community.

After the speech, the program continued with a brief safety briefing. The participants were then divided into three groups to collect trash around the park.

The participants also held a competition where the group that collects the most waste into garbage bags will be rewarded at the end of the program.

The program organized by MMSB also coincides with World Cleanliness Day which is celebrated every year on September 20 where it calls on agencies and groups around the world to contribute to changing society in controlling their behavior towards irregular waste disposal.

MMSB residents managed to collect 60kg of waste
MMSB members took many pictures while participating in the campaign.
Above and below: Among MMSB citizens who participated during the campaign.

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