Price increase must keep D-Ticket attractive

Price increase must keep D-Ticket attractive

Price increase must keep D-Ticket attractive

Before the decision on a likely higher price for the Deutschlandticket in the future on Monday, NRW Transport Minister Oliver Krischer (Greens) urged that the increase be appropriate. On the one hand, a price increase must not jeopardize the attractiveness of the ticket, but on the other hand it must also put the ticket on a solid financial basis, Krischer told the German Press Agency.

“Given the rising costs, a price increase could only be avoided if the federal government made additional funds available. However, this is not currently foreseeable. Therefore, we cannot avoid a moderate price increase,” said the Green politician. The success of the Germany ticket, which currently allows travel on local public transport throughout Germany for 49 euros a month, must be sustained and expanded. “This also includes putting the financing on a stable footing,” said the minister.

On Monday morning, the transport ministers will meet for a special digital meeting to discuss open questions about the Deutschlandticket. According to the Bavarian Ministry of Transport, the price must be raised to 64 euros from 2025. The dpa learned from state circles that the trend is more towards 54 to 59 euros. However, a decision will not be made until the meeting. NRW is currently chairing the Conference of Transport Ministers of the States.

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