Want to help prevent flooding and beautify your town? Adopt a storm drain

Want to help prevent flooding and beautify your town? Adopt a storm drain

Want to help prevent flooding and beautify your town? Adopt a storm drain

MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio — A new pilot program is offering residents of Brook Park and Maple Heights the chance to help prevent street flooding and beautify their neighborhoods by adopting storm drains.

The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) launched the “Drainkeepers” program this summer, aiming to engage residents in maintaining storm drains by clearing away leaves and debris that could cause blockages. Charles Cicco, government affairs specialist for NEORSD, said residents can easily sign up online to participate.

“Once enrolled, they receive a kit with supplies to maintain the surface of their adopted storm drain,” Cicco said.

One Drainkeeper, 32-year-old Craig Barnett of Maple Heights, has been involved in the program since it launched in his city in June.

“I’m the proud owner of TB Good Homes LLC, where I focus on repairing and rebuilding homes to contribute to making our community a better place to live,” Barnett said. “In addition to my work in real estate, I’ve been involved with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Drainkeepers program since it began. I signed up because I like to help keep the community clean and free from trash.”

He described maintaining a drain as “pretty simple and easy work.”

“It’s been a rewarding experience, and I’m proud to play a part in helping keep our environment clean and our neighborhoods looking their best,” Barnett said. “I would highly recommend the program to anyone who shares a passion for a cleaner and more beautiful community. I’d like to help expand the program to bring it to other Northeast Ohio communities.”

Participants in the Drainkeepers program are encouraged to submit “before and after” photos of their work, though it’s not required. Cicco added that regular updates will be sent to participants, especially during heavy rain events and in the fall, when leaves are most likely to clog drains.

“The planning and preparation for this program started in late 2023, but we formally kicked off the program in the two pilot cities this summer,” Cicco said. “We started the Maple Heights Drainkeepers on June 28 and the Brook Park Drainkeepers on August 16. Residents can enroll until all 30 kits in each city are claimed.”

Cicco outlined the three main goals of the program: mitigating street flooding, enhancing neighborhood beautification, and fostering community engagement.

“The first goal is to reduce street flooding caused by blocked storm drains,” he said. “While this won’t eliminate flooding during major rain events, keeping drains clear can help prevent smaller storms from causing street flooding. The second goal is neighborhood beautification—cleaner streets with improved curb appeal. The third goal is community engagement. When residents understand how their actions affect the local stormwater system, they’re more likely to keep grass and debris off sidewalks and curbs, and to share these practices with their neighbors.”

Residents of Brook Park and Maple Heights can sign up by visiting drainkeepers.org or by emailing [email protected] with questions. Cicco encouraged participants to spread the word to neighbors and friends.

For those living outside of the pilot cities, Cicco said NEORSD hopes to expand the program in the future, noting that similar initiatives in other states served as the inspiration.

“Our model for this program was Adopt a Drain San Francisco, which has been incredibly successful,” Cicco said. “Although I’m not aware of any similar programs currently in Northeast Ohio, organizations such as the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District and local watershed groups offer opportunities for residents interested in water-related conservation efforts.”

Cicco also expressed gratitude to the partners in the pilot program, including Cuyahoga County Councilmembers Meredith Turner, Pernel Jones Jr., and Dale Miller, along with the mayors and service departments of Brook Park and Maple Heights.

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