Ice couple Hase/Wolodin wins Nebelhorn Trophy

Ice couple Hase/Wolodin wins Nebelhorn Trophy

Ice couple Hase/Wolodin wins Nebelhorn Trophy

Germany’s pair skating aces Minerva Hase and Nikita Wolodin won the Nebelhorn Trophy in Oberstdorf at the start of the season with a new personal best. The World Championship third-place finishers were already in the lead after a successful short program and delivered a perfect freestyle to the “Four Seasons”.

The Berlin ice couple left the current world champions Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps from Canada (206.24 points) behind with 218.44 points. “It was great,” said Hase. “We just pulled it off and I’m just very happy.”

In the men’s competition, Nikita Starostin (Dortmund) came in 16th. Although the 2023 German champion improved by four places in the free skate after a disastrous short program, he suffered two falls (181.44 points).

“I had problems with my foot in the short program after I twisted it,” said Starostin. “Today I told myself that I should show what I had trained for. I showed 30 percent, 70 percent is still to come.” The Japanese Sota Yamamoto clearly won the competition with 262.72 points.

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