Baerbock reaffirms the German government’s Ukraine policy

Baerbock reaffirms the German government’s Ukraine policy

Baerbock reaffirms the German government’s Ukraine policy

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wants to continue supporting Ukraine, including with weapons. “We will support Ukraine as long as this terrorist war continues,” said the Green politician at her party’s election campaign event in Potsdam. “Because otherwise it will be the end of Ukraine.” The war will end when Putin withdraws his troops. “If we do not support Ukraine during this time, then Ukraine will be over and we will not allow that.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a trip to New York on Monday. Zelensky wants to present a “plan for victory” in the defensive fight against the Russian attackers during his trip to the USA. A meeting with US President Joe Biden is planned for Thursday in Washington. Scholz and Zelensky met just two weeks ago in Frankfurt am Main.

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