“Don’t think we train too little”

“Don’t think we train too little”

“Don’t think we train too little”

Schalke’s team captain Kenan Karaman is not looking to blame the 3:5 defeat against Darmstadt 98 on the criticized coach Karel Geraerts. “I know that the coaching questions will come, but I think that the coach prepared us well for the game,” said Karaman. “I think you could see that in the first half. We implemented a lot of what he told us.”

Schalke initially led 3-0, but then spectacularly lost control of the game. “We completely wasted the second half,” said Karaman. The score was 3-1 at halftime.

The 30-year-old attacker does not see a problem with his fitness caused by poor training. “I don’t think we train too little,” said Karaman. “Our training sessions are very intensive. Maybe it has something to do with our minds that we then concede goals and then simply fall off mentally.” Schalke only has four points after six games in the 2nd Bundesliga.

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