Hallervorden wants to set an example for peace with gala

Hallervorden wants to set an example for peace with gala

Hallervorden wants to set an example for peace with gala

With a gala for the United Nations World Peace Day in Berlin, actor and director Dieter Hallervorden (89) wants to set an example for peace and justice, according to his own words. He is “firmly” convinced that peace is “a true masterpiece of reason,” Hallervorden said before the event in the cabaret “Die Wühlmäuse.”

Guests expected today include Left Party politician Gregor Gysi, Berlin’s Senator for Culture Joe Chialo (CDU) and Sebastian Krumbiegel, frontman of the band Die Prinzen. In addition to spoken word, music and dance performances, video messages will also be shown, including from “Tatort” actor Axel Prahl.

United Nations World Peace Day since 1981

Peace is never created with weapons, but with words, says Hallervorden. “Words that can only be heard when the weapons are silent!” The United Nations has been celebrating World Peace Day on September 21st since 1981.

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