Oktoberfest: Festival grounds open – Wiesn guests storm the tents

Oktoberfest: Festival grounds open – Wiesn guests storm the tents

Oktoberfest: Festival grounds open – Wiesn guests storm the tents

Race to the beer tent: At exactly 9 a.m. the stewards opened the entrances to Oktoberfest – and the Wiesn fans stormed off towards the beer tents. More visitors are now streaming in from all sides, most of them in dirndls and lederhosen.

The first people were already waiting early in the morning, some with blankets, thermos flasks and coffee, others with beer. However, the Oktoberfest guests still have to wait three hours before they can get their first Oktoberfest beer in Munich.

Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) will tap the first barrel of beer at 12:00 noon sharp, thus opening the festival. Only when Reiter has toasted a peaceful Oktoberfest with Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) will the beer start flowing for the guests.

Around six million visitors are expected in the Bavarian capital by October 6th.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240921-930-238974/1

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