Shots fired at bus and pedestrian in Spandau

Shots fired at bus and pedestrian in Spandau

Shots fired at bus and pedestrian in Spandau

A youth is suspected of having shot at a passerby at a bus stop and a bus in Berlin-Spandau. The 25-year-old was hit twice in the back on Friday evening while she was waiting for a bus at the town hall, Berlin police reported. She complained of pain but did not want medical treatment.

After the shots were fired, the woman turned around and, according to her, saw a young man with an air gun and spoke to him. The term air gun includes air rifles or pistols. The young man fled with his companion in the direction of Münsinger Park. According to the information, a container with metal pellets and a carbon dioxide cartridge were left behind at the scene and confiscated by police.

The bus driver, who had informed the police, reported that he had heard a loud bang as he approached the bus stop at the town hall. A window pane in the back of the bus had broken. The approximately 25 passengers were uninjured, according to the police.

Police were unable to find the youth and his companion in the area. An investigation is underway on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and damage to property.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240921-930-239120/1

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