Hundreds demonstrate for and against abortion in Berlin

Hundreds demonstrate for and against abortion in Berlin

Hundreds demonstrate for and against abortion in Berlin

According to police reports, hundreds of opponents of abortion and counter-demonstrators took to the streets in Berlin. Shortly before the start of a demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate entitled “March for Life” by the Federal Association for the Right to Life (BVL), the number of participants was in the “lower four-digit range,” a police spokesman said.

So far, there have been no special incidents. The demonstrators demanded a ban on abortions. One poster read, for example, “Welcome life – don’t end it.”

According to police, a counter-event entitled “Action Day for Sexual Self-Determination” at the Brandenburg Gate attracted a mid-three-digit number of participants. The demonstrators said they wanted to draw attention to “the right to physical self-determination and the legalization of abortion.”

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