Women are in the minority on the vehicle registration document

Women are in the minority on the vehicle registration document

Women are in the minority on the vehicle registration document

Most cars and motorcycles in Germany are registered to men. The gender ratio on the vehicle registration document for cars is currently 62 to 38 percent, according to figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority that the German Press Agency has analyzed. For motorcycles, the difference is even greater, at 86 to almost 14 percent.

There are 16.9 million female car owners compared to 27.4 million male ones. Various people are not listed separately. A further 4.7 million cars are registered to legal entities; here, an analysis by gender is not possible.

There is no rapid movement in the gender ratio of cars: if you compare the current figures from January 1st with those ten years ago, the ratio has only shifted by 1.7 percent in favor of women. If you look deeper into the statistics, however, there are indications that the ratio may continue to shift, albeit slowly. This is because the proportion of women is higher among younger owners. The highest figure is currently found in the 25- to 29-year-old group, at just over 42 percent. Among owners over 60, however, women make up less than 37 percent across the board.

Women are more likely to have cars with small displacement

It is noticeable that women tend to drive cars with smaller displacement. In the range of under 1.4 liters displacement, they are in the majority at 51 percent. For more than 2 liters, only 21 percent are women. It is not possible to draw direct conclusions about the size and performance of a car from the displacement, but larger displacements are typical for larger and more powerful vehicles.

The difference between men and women is much more pronounced when it comes to motorcycles. There are 653,000 women compared to 4.1 million men who are registered as owners of two-wheeled vehicles. However, the differences are somewhat smaller when looking at the engine capacity. And when looking at the age groups of owners, there is also more movement here than among car drivers. Between the ages of 18 and 24, the proportion of women is over 20 percent. From the age of 65, however, it falls below 10 percent.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240922-930-239478/1

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