Middle East conflict: Public prosecutor: Significantly more anti-Semitic crimes

Middle East conflict: Public prosecutor: Significantly more anti-Semitic crimes

Middle East conflict: Public prosecutor: Significantly more anti-Semitic crimes

The Berlin public prosecutor’s office has recorded a significant increase in anti-Semitic crimes. In the first half of the year, there were 370 cases before the authority, as the anti-Semitism commissioner of the public prosecutor’s office, Florian Hengst, told the German Press Agency. In 2023, 304 cases were registered in the same period.

In view of the developments in the city following the terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, the public prosecutor’s office has introduced two categories in its statistics: purely anti-Semitic incidents and proceedings in the context of the Middle East conflict.

In the second category, according to the public prosecutor’s office, 1,570 cases were registered in the first half of the current year that are related to the Middle East conflict and in which there is often at least a suspicion that there is an anti-Semitic background.

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