Election victory would be a “sign of hope”

Election victory would be a “sign of hope”

Election victory would be a “sign of hope”

The AfD’s top candidate in the state elections in Brandenburg, Hans-Christoph Berndt, sees a possible election victory for his party as a “clear sign of hope”. If the AfD continues to gain strength, “things will get better again in Germany,” said Berndt after voting in the morning in Golßen (Dahme-Spreewald district).

“We are stronger than in 2019,” Berndt stated. Brandenburg’s fate will not be decided in one election, but in the coming years. His party is receiving more and more support. That makes him confident, he said.

In Brandenburg, voters are deciding today on the future balance of power in the state parliament. The polling stations opened at 8 a.m. this morning. Around 2.1 million people in the eastern German state can take part. The main focus is on how well the AfD will do. In recent polls, the AfD was just ahead of the SPD, which has been the Prime Minister in Brandenburg since 1990. The AfD is considered a suspected right-wing extremist case by the state’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

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