Woidke is optimistic about the outcome of the state election

Woidke is optimistic about the outcome of the state election

Woidke is optimistic about the outcome of the state election

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) is “optimistic” about the outcome of the Brandenburg state election. His party went into this election campaign “more determined” because they knew that a lot was at stake, said Woidke after voting in his hometown of Forst (Spree-Neiße district). The poor poll results from months ago suggested a “certain hopelessness”. Now the polls are looking better again.

Other parties have tried to turn the state election into a vote on the traffic light government at the federal level, said Woidke. “I don’t think that’s paying off.” The intelligence of the people of Brandenburg has been somewhat underestimated here. It’s about stability in the state and a state government that will then have to work for five years, added Woidke.

Woidke had announced that he would only remain in government if the SPD won the election. The main focus is on how well the AfD is doing. In recent polls, the AfD was just ahead of the SPD, which has been the Prime Minister in Brandenburg since 1990. The AfD is considered a suspected right-wing extremist party by the state’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

In Brandenburg, voters are deciding today on the future balance of power in the state parliament. The polling stations opened at 8 a.m. Around 2.1 million people in the eastern German state can take part.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240922-930-239658/1

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