Strong polarization between Woidke and AfD

Strong polarization between Woidke and AfD

Strong polarization between Woidke and AfD

The CDU’s top candidate in the Brandenburg state election, Jan Redmann, has seen the election campaign intensify in recent weeks as a duel between Dietmar Woidke (SPD) and the AfD. “The AfD has benefited greatly from this,” said Redmann after voting in Potsdam-Babelsberg. This worries him. “We must be less guided by tactical motives.” Instead, it is important to pursue a different policy that leads to less frustration.

In the last polls before the election, the CDU came in at 14 to 16 percent, well behind the AfD and SPD – and just ahead of the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) coalition. Redmann had originally hoped to become head of government. Dietmar Woidke is currently leading the state government as Minister President. Around 2.1 million Brandenburg residents are called to vote on Sunday.

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