26-year-old bites security guard in the arm in Neuruppin

26-year-old bites security guard in the arm in Neuruppin

26-year-old bites security guard in the arm in Neuruppin

A drunk 26-year-old bit a security guard on the arm at a festival in Neuruppin. The man had previously insulted visitors at a public family festival on Saturday evening, as the Ostprignitz-Ruppin police announced on Sunday. He refused to leave the premises and insulted the security guards.

They brought him to the ground and reportedly held him until the police arrived. During the struggle, the man bit a 22-year-old security guard on the arm, according to police. The injury was not serious. The 26-year-old was taken into police custody overnight; a breath test showed an alcohol level of 2.07 per mille. The officers are investigating him for insult and bodily harm.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240922-930-239848/1

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