High voter turnout in Brandenburg

High voter turnout in Brandenburg

High voter turnout in Brandenburg

There is a high voter turnout in the state election in Brandenburg. By 2 p.m., 46.1 percent of eligible voters had already cast their vote, the state election officer announced. In the previous state election in 2019, the figure at the same time was only 31.3 percent. The polling stations are open until 6 p.m.

The preliminary figures do not include postal voters. It is expected that more than 20 percent of those eligible to vote will exercise their right to vote by mail, it said. In 2019, the figure was 23.1 percent. According to the state election commission, the elections had started without any major disruptions until 2 p.m. No problems were known, it said.

The highest voter turnout was reported by the independent city of Potsdam with 51.3 percent, the lowest was recorded for the independent city of Brandenburg an der Havel and for the Uckermark district with 40.2 percent each.

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