Danger of flooding: Oder level rising – level 3 expected on Tuesday

Danger of flooding: Oder level rising – level 3 expected on Tuesday

Danger of flooding: Oder level rising – level 3 expected on Tuesday

Along the Oder in Brandenburg, people are preparing for flooding because of the expected flooding. Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke said during a visit to Frankfurt (Oder): “There is tension in the air because the water level of the Oder will rise significantly in the next few days. It will probably be the worst flood since 2010.” At that time, heavy rainfall had led to flooding along the Oder, among other things.

Alert level 4 on Wednesday – forecasts uncertain

According to the water level portal of the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment, alarm level 3 will be reached for Frankfurt (Oder) on Tuesday, and then the highest level 4 on Wednesday evening. However, the forecast is subject to uncertainty. The guideline for declaring alarm level 4 is a water level of 6 meters in Frankfurt (Oder).

Frankfurt continues preparations

A spokesman for the city of Frankfurt (Oder) said on Sunday that increased preparations had begun on the northern part of the Oder promenade. However, there are currently no changes in the assessment of the situation. The water level in Frankfurt (Oder) was 4.30 meters on Sunday afternoon. Alert level 1 applies. In normal conditions it is around 2.10 meters. Many people took advantage of the nice weather on Sunday to go for a walk along the swollen border river.

Dyke runners wanted

The district administrator of the Oder-Spree district, Frank Steffen (SPD), plans to take a tour along the Oder on Monday to see the situation for himself. The district administration spokeswoman told the dpa on Sunday. The “flood task force” will then meet in Fürstenwalde on Monday afternoon. A citizens’ hotline has also been set up. Dyke runners are also being sought, the spokeswoman said.

City bridge in Frankfurt under observation

The city bridge between Frankfurt (Oder) and neighboring SÅ‚ubice has been under special observation since Sunday. It was agreed that the decision on restrictions on entry to SÅ‚ubice would depend on the traffic situation, the Polish city announced.

SÅ‚ubice had originally announced that it would stop transit traffic on the bridge from 7 a.m. on Sunday. Residents were to be exempt from the restrictions. According to police, the bridge was still passable for all road users on Sunday afternoon.

Woidke relies on solidarity

During his visit to Frankfurt (Oder) on the day of the state elections, Prime Minister Woidke warned the people of the region of the impending danger. It is necessary to protect people and their property with all available resources, said Woidke. “Solidarity, mutual support and solidarity will get us through these difficult days.” Brandenburg has a long history of dealing with flooding. In addition, almost a billion euros have been invested in dyke construction in recent decades.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240922-930-239953/1

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