German Ice Hockey League: Eisbären Berlin win 4:1 in Iserlohn

German Ice Hockey League: Eisbären Berlin win 4:1 in Iserlohn

German Ice Hockey League: Eisbären Berlin win 4:1 in Iserlohn

The Eisbären Berlin have also won their second game of the season in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL). On Sunday afternoon, the German champions won comfortably against the Iserlohn Roosters with 4:1 (1:1, 1:0, 2:0). Thanks to two goals from Manuel Wiederer and further goals from Blaine Byron and Gabriel Fontaine, the capital city team started the new season with a six-point weekend.

In front of 4,112 spectators in the Seilersee ice rink, Noel Saffran took advantage of the first goal opportunity of the game in the 3rd minute to put the home team in the lead. After falling behind early, the Berliners took the initiative on the ice and equalized with a goal from Wiederer (14th).

The Berliners only made things clear in the final third

Shortly after the first break, Byron gave the visitors the lead when the capital city team played with a power play for the first time (23′). The defending champions had the match largely under control after that, but were unable to use their superiority to score more goals for a long time.

It was only in the final period that the Berliners made things clear: Wiederer scored his second goal of the afternoon after a counterattack (48th minute), and Fontaine finally scored the final goal in the power play (53rd minute).

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