85 criminal charges: Subway stopped after Palestine demonstration

85 criminal charges: Subway stopped after Palestine demonstration

85 criminal charges: Subway stopped after Palestine demonstration

After a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin-Charlottenburg, the police removed around 70 people from a subway. The group was chanting in Arabic on a U7 train heading towards Rudow, the police said. The subway then stopped at Yorckstrasse station on Saturday evening. The people were removed from the train to establish their identities.

Two emergency workers were reportedly injured, but were able to continue their duties. The Yorckstrasse subway station was temporarily closed due to the police operation.

85 reports, 79 provisional arrests

Another police officer was injured during the pro-Palestinian demonstration entitled “Solidarity with Palestine. Stop the Gaza Genocide. No weapons for Israel” on Saturday afternoon. In total, police said they had provisionally arrested 79 people.

85 reports were filed, including for the use of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations, physical attacks on law enforcement officers and insults.

According to reports, around 330 people took part in the demonstration. During the demonstration, isolated shouts with “criminal content” could be heard. After the gathering, police officers at the memorial for the victims of the terrorist attack on the Christmas market at the Memorial Church were pelted with grave candles.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240922-930-240041/1

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