Trembling hearts are capable of much

Trembling hearts are capable of much

The republic is shaking. Hearts and the political landscape are being hit and shaken by shock waves. Saxony, Thuringia, now Brandenburg – the edges are no longer fraying, they seem to be hardening. AfD and BSW are coming dangerously close to an absolute majority of seats. Where will this end?

(Un)right chaos or a government of the democratic center, not even escalation helps completely against the extremes. The voters want it that way, against all objections. What’s more, they rebel against it. That is part of the hardening.

And where can the remedy be found? In figures like these? 75 percent of SPD voters in what was once “Red Prussia” say that although they are not convinced by the party’s political offering, they are voting for the SPD to prevent a strong AfD. If that is the most important reason, it is not one that will hold in the long term.

Then there is the challenge that the country is divided. The SPD is stronger in the belt around Berlin and in the west, while the AfD dominates towards the east. Brandenburg is thus becoming a foil for considerations as to how the Democrats can take back the whole country.

Elections as a cry from tormented souls

For the time being, not even economic growth is changing the support for the extremes. Brandenburg is doing well with its two percent – but not everywhere. The regions are falling apart. That determines the picture, and it applies to the entire republic.

This is where federal politics, politics for the republic, must start. Because this is where the starkly different assessments of the situation come from. AfD and BSW can certainly speak badly of this situation by pointing to the differences. When inflation and job worries are added to this, the majority stands. It is one against any optimism.

The lesson from the countries of the new German democratic republic, which will celebrate its 34th birthday in a few days, is therefore that democracy is facing an ultimate challenge – at all political levels.

Experiencing the community together again

Several things are important now. Firstly, the elections must be understood as a cry of protest from tormented souls. The fears are real. They will not go away, they must lead to consequences. Urgent, in all areas of politics, domestic, foreign, economic.

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People should be able to experience the concept of community again and feel that they are part of the decision-making process. Those in power must guarantee this.

And they must be absolutely credible in their speech and actions. For example, if the Union complains that so many refugees have come to Germany in recent years, then it must admit that it was its policies that caused the problem. Attempts at solutions, ruthlessly self-critical ones, will then be all the more readily accepted.

Above all: be honest

For the SPD, Greens and FDP, on the other hand, they have to be honest, under all circumstances. They must not spare themselves in this either. What else do they want to achieve, what else can they achieve together?

Say what you do and do what you say – following the motto of SPD grandee and former Federal President Johannes Rau has become a matter of survival. The majority of SPD supporters alone believe that the Chancellor and the coalition are not living up to their responsibilities. Let alone the rest of the population.

A ruthless view of oneself and the situation includes a final look at Brandenburg. And at this lesson for the individuals in charge: first the country – and then the right person. The right candidate can strengthen the statics of the republic, the wrong one can contribute to its downfall.

Trembling hearts are capable of many things. Even the very best. If they are brave and undaunted. And all is not lost. First of all, this election year is only over. In one year and one week the new Bundestag will be elected. This can give a completely different, solid, stable image of democracy. Let us hope so.

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