Be grateful to be the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Be grateful to be the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW

By Yusrin Junaidi –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 22 – Prophet Muhammad SAW has great love and affection for his people and whenever there is an opportunity to save his people, he will use it.

This shows that Prophet Muhammad SAW has a very high position in the eyes of Allah SWT. So be grateful to be one of the Muslims even to be one of the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This matter is one of the essence of the tazkirah delivered by the Assistant Religious Development Officer, Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI), Haji Abdul Muiz bin Haji Amat, from Kampung Bengkurong Mosque in conjunction with the Prayer Night Program organized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU) which was held online yesterday .

Also participating in the program was the Minister of Religious Affairs, Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin bin Director Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman.

The event also invited special guests, namely the Acting Chief Operating Officer, Royal Brunei Airlines (RB), Haji Badarudin bin Haji Bagol, who led the reading of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah from the RB Campus Surau.

Be grateful to be the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW
The Honorable Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin while participating in the Malam Munajat event organized by KHEU which was held virtually, recently. – KHEU SUBMISSION PICTURES

Also hosting the event were RB employees; Kampung Merangking Mosque Youth Group, Belait District; members of the takmir committee and the congregation from Kampung Bengkurong Mosque; Mohammad Salleh Utama Mosque, Bangar Town, Temburong District; and Masjid Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik, Kampung Tungku Katok, as well as from mosques including mosques and prayer halls throughout the country totaling 71.

Also participating are employees of KHEU and the departments under it with their families and also individuals who participate virtually from their respective homes.

After the recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah, the event was followed by the recitation of Surah As-Sajdah in large numbers led by the Mosque Affairs Officer, Mosque Affairs Department, Awang Muhammad Syahmi bin Haji Zaini from Mohammad Salleh Utama Mosque, Bangar Town, Temburong District . Next, the Prayer of Prayer was read by the Mosque Affairs Officer, Mosque Affairs Department, Awang Morni bin Haji Nayan from Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik Mosque, Kampung Tungku Katok.

After tazkirah, the event was followed by the recitation of Asma Ul-Husna en masse led by a member of the Mosque Youth Group, Kampung Merangking Worship Hall, Belait District, Awang Ahmad Rifa’ie bin Mohd Fauziee from the worship hall.

Before ending the event, the Prayer for the Protection of the Sultan and the Nation of Brunei Darussalam was recited by the Level II Imam, Masjid Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik, Kampung Tungku Katok, Awang Mohd Hijrajul Nizam bin Alawi.

Malam Munajat organized by KHEU invites the public to jointly improve spiritual practices, seek forgiveness from Allah SWT by seeking forgiveness, read the holy verses of the Qur’an and appreciate their meaning, as well as join together and pray together en masse in the hope that Brunei Darussalam and all the people and the inhabitants were saved from all disasters and dangerous diseases.

The public is welcome to participate in Malam Munajat every Saturday Night Sunday virtually through the link or

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