44 community leaders received certificates

44 community leaders received certificates

By Sim YH –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 22 – A total of 44 community leaders or grassroots leaders from the Brunei and Muara Districts were celebrated at the closing ceremony and certificate presentation after completing the 3rd Community Leaders Program which took place at the Theater Hall, Brunei and Muara District Department, yesterday .

Present as the guest of honor and completing the presentation of certificates to the program participants was the Acting Assistant District Officer of Brunei and Muara, Ministry of Home Affairs, Haji Mohd Khairul Sirajul Fikri bin Haji Jamaluddin.

Also present were members of the National Assembly, the Honorable Awang Lawi bin Haji Lamat as the Head of Subok Village, the Honorable Awang Zainol bin Haji Mohamed as the Head of Kampung Putat; Yang Berhormat Awang Mohamad Ali bin Tanjong as the Head of Kampung Lumapas B as well as officials and staff from the relevant agencies.

At the event, the Disaster Management Officer at the Planning and Analysis Division, National Disaster Management Center (NDMC), Dayang Siti Joriahati binti Johari in her closing speech stated that the program aims to strengthen the ability of community leaders in disaster risk reduction through knowledge exchange and capacity building as well as for build a disaster-resilient society and country for the safety and well-being of the people in this country.

“I also hope that through this program I will be able to create a sense of belonging or sense of belonging and increase continuous cooperative relations with stakeholders as well as foster community spirit and unity among community leaders in this country,” he said.

Meanwhile, STKRJ Village Head Mata-Mata Kawasan 1, 2 and 3 Gadong, Pengiran Redzuan bin Pengiran Haji Said in his speech on behalf of the program participants stated that throughout the two-day program, they obtained a lot of new information that was learned and understood and exchanged different opinions, knowledge and thinking styles during presentations from invited officials and during group discussions.

He expressed the hope that similar programs will be held regularly in the future in order to both gain a positive impact from the exchange of ideas.

The ceremony continued with the presentation of certificates of participation to the program participants and certificates of appreciation to the program facilitators involved which were completed by Haji Mohd Khairul Sirajul Fikri.

44 community leaders received certificates
Haji Mohd Khairul Sirajul Fikri attended the Closing Ceremony and Certificate Presentation of the 3rd Community Leaders Program which took place at the Theater Hall, Brunei and Muara District Department, yesterday. – PICTURE OF NDMC SUBMISSION
Dayang Siti Joriahati delivered the closing speech at the event. – PICTURE OF NDMC SUBMISSION
Briefing and presentation sessions held during the 3rd Community Leaders Program which took place at the Theater Hall, Brunei-Muara District Department, yesterday. – PICTURE OF NDMC SUBMISSION

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