Scholz is set as candidate for chancellor

Scholz is set as candidate for chancellor

Scholz is set as candidate for chancellor

Following the SPD’s electoral success in Brandenburg, Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke has backed Chancellor Olaf Scholz with a view to the 2025 federal election. “The Chancellor is set as the candidate for chancellor,” said Woidke in the evening on the ARD program “Tagesthemen Extra”. The SPD leadership will think about how the election campaign can go well. The Brandenburg SPD can contribute to this with its strength.

Brandenburg’s SPD had refrained from appearing by Chancellor Scholz during the election campaign. It was about the state of Brandenburg, Woidke emphasized once again.

Germany is facing a very difficult federal election in 2025, said Woidke. It is about how to better counter right-wing populism and combat right-wing extremism more effectively. “This will only work with a policy that is close to the people,” stressed Woidke. People must be told why they do or don’t do things. Communication will be a crucial point.

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